Monday, March 15, 2010

Powerful experience

Once again, we are reminded of the Lord's closeness in our daily lives. As we have been feeling like we should have maybe been 'on to Australia' and 'on to Tonga to serve', and maybe 'staying to long here', we have been reminded of the 'Lord's time'. Last night gave us an experience that reminded us that it takes 'time' for 'good things' to happen. We know that an important exchange of knowledge took place and that possibley it was the most important reason for us being in New Zealand.

So.......... may we just say again that we do not always know why we are where we are, or why we are doing something until later, and then when we look back on the experience we can see the Lord's hand in it all. It is never "lucky", it is never a "coincidence", nor is it "just an interesting experience", it was you being used as an instument in the Lord's hands to take care of a need in one of His chosen children's lives. We give gratitude to Heavenly Father for this experience. We have both felt this happen here as we have had time to talk and meet with people that Dick knew many years (49 years) ago. We love the gospel and the Lord's way.

1 comment:

  1. It sounds like an interesting story beginning... I guess I will have to call to get the details!
